
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The story of our trip to The Midwest

Day 7 and 8 of 10
On Day 7 We were back on the road heading by the east entrance en route to Mammoth Springs, by the north entrance.On the way we saw herds of Bison and elks. The route itself was scenic with a number of waterfalls en route. We stayed at the Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel and our room overlooked the beautiful Mammoth springs was spectacular.

The following day we went looking for wildlife and drove by the west side of the upper loop. We were graced by the usually elusive Grey wolf whose population is on the rise since their reintroduction into Yellowstone in 1995. As we drove further up the loop we also saw a black bear grazing by the roadside besides the Bison and Elks. That evening we ventured towards Gardiner the original entrance of the Yellowstone which is also called the North entrance. We stopped at a subway and got our self something to eat and on our drive back to our hotel had a picnic in the boot of our SUV at a pullout overlooking the mountains and the valley.

Later that evening we attended one more of the Ranger Talks before retiring for the night.

Day 9 and 10 of 10
We left Mammoth Springs bright and early on day 9 so we could see some wildlife while making it on time into Buffalo,WY despite taking the more scenic yet slower route via Custer National Forest and the Bear tooth pass. The vista was breathtaking. And we are glad we did that.

We reached the town of Buffalo, WY and went straight up to our hotel, the historic Occidental Hotel and checked into our suite the General Sheridan Room. That evening after freshening up, we had our supper at the Virginian Restaurant before retiring for the night.

The following morning saw us back on the road heading towards Rapid City to catch our flight back home.

All in all this was an experience of a lifetime.