
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Carrot Almond Kheer

One of my friends is a food blogger and I have to say she's quite an inspiration. She recently blogged about Carrot Badaam (almond) Kheer (pudding). The accompanying pix was so tempting that I had to make it the same day. I made a slight variation to her recipe its fairly simple and here it goes.

Carrot Almond Kheer


Carrot grated 1 cup, Almonds soaked and skinned 1 cup , 1/4 cup Cashew(optional) soaked,  Sugar 2 cups, Milk 3 cups, Saffron 1 pinch, cardamom seeds 1/2 tsp, 1 tsp ghee or clarified butter, 1 tsp each of slivered almonds, cashew, pistachio.


In a pressure cooker cook carrots, almonds and cashew with 1/2 cup milk. When cooked add sugar and grind to paste. Add ground cardamom, saffron and remaining milk and boil until it starts thickening in roughly about 10-15 mins. In a separate vessel roast the slivered almonds, cashew and pistachio in clarified butter until they get a slight golden tinge. Season the Carrot Almond kheer with the roasted nuts and you are done. This can be served both hot or cold .

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