
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Upma Varieties

Bread Upma
Traditional method
250 gm bread (10-12 slices),1 potato, peeled and chopped,1 onion, finely chopped,1/2 cup shelled green peas, 1 tomato chopped (optional), Juice of 1 lemon, 3-4 slit green chilies, 2 tbsp, chopped coriander leaves, A twig of curry leaves, 1/4 tsp turmeric powder, Salt to taste
For the seasoning:
3 tbsp oil, 1/2 tsp mustard seeds, 1/2 tsp Bengal gram, 1/2 tsp black gram
Preparation Method :
Cut bread into 1" pieces. Heat oil in a wok and prepare the seasoning.
Add chopped potatoes, peas and fry for 1 minute. Add onions, slit green chilies, curry leaves and fry till onions turn pink in color.
Add tomato pieces, salt, turmeric powder and bread pieces to it. Sprinkle 1/4 cup of water and mix well. Cover the wok and cook on a low flame for 2-3 minutes or till the contents become hot.
Turn off the flame and add lemon juice and coriander leaves. Serve hot.
Variations: Bread slices can be toasted and cut into pieces.
Serves: 4
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Short Method of making Bread Upma
Bread slices 3 nos., Green chilies 2 nos., Tomatoes 2 nos., French beans 4 nos., Peas 2 tbsp., Mustard seeds 1 tsp., Cumin seeds 1 tsp., Curry leaves 1 sprig., Lemon ½ piece, Oil 5 tbsp., Salt To taste
Preparation Method :
Fry mustard, cumin seeds and curry leaves. Chop tomatoes, green chilies, peas, beans and add to the frying pan and fry well. When cooked add 1 ½ cups of water and salt to taste and bring to a boil.Break the bread into small pieces and add to the above. Then add the lemon juice and stir. Cover with a lid and cook on low heat till water evaporates.Mix well and serve with ketchup.

DALIYA (broken Wheat) UPMA
Ingredients :
1 cup daliya (broken Wheat), ½ inch ginger-finely chopped,2 cut green chillies(green Pepper),1 small cabbage, 2 carrots-grated, ½ cup peas, 1 tsp mustard seeds, 1 tsp Red Gram Dhal, any other green vegetable, 1 onion-finely cut, salt to taste, 1 ½ cups water, 2 tsp cooking oil
Preparation Method :
Roast the daliya(broken Wheat) on slow fire till light brown. Keep it separately.Pour cooking oil in pan and heat. Put mustard seeds and let it splutter. Add the Red Gram Dhal and fry till light brown. Fry onions, chillies and ginger. Add all the other vegetables and cook on slow fire with a heavy lid. Pour water and add the salt and bring it to a boil.
Add the roasted daliya (broken Wheat) and churn. Keep it covered till it turns soft and absorbs all the excess water.Serve.
Ps:- Can also be topped/seasoned with Sauce/ketchup when U serve.

Ingredients :
Black Gram Dhal, mustard seeds - 1tsp, Red Gram Dhal - 2 tsp, Onion - 1, Ginger - 5 gms, Pooha (Aval)(Rice Flakes) - 750 gms, Jeera (fenugreek seeds) - 1 tsp, Red Chilli powder - 4 tsp, Green chillies - 2, Salt, Coriander leaves, Curry leaves, Lemon juice - from 1 fruit, shredded coconut - 2 cups(optional), Turmeric powder - 2 tsp
Preparation Method :
Soak the pooha(rice Flakes) for about 3 minutes and wash it well in cold water and strain it and let it dry in the strainer for about 15 minutes. Heat some oil in a pan and add mustard seeds Add some jeera (fenugreek) and the dal(red Gram & Black Gram) allow them to splutter,add ginger and green chillies Then add the onions and fry them till they become golden brown.Then add the pooha(rice Flakes) and add little more oil, and add the turmeric powder, salt and Red chilli powder. Add the curry leaves, and mix them well. Finally add the lemon juice, the shredded coconut(optional) and coriander leaves & Serve them hot.
Tip :
Generally more oil is needed for Pooha upma.
Ingredients :
Vermicelli - 1 cup, Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp, Black Gram dal - 1/2 tsp, Bengal gram dal - 1/2 tsp, Asafoetida - a pinch, Red chillies - 2, Oil - 5 tsp, Curry leaves - a bunch, Onion - 1 (optional)
Preparation Method :
Roast vermicelli in ghee/oil for 2 min until it becomes slightly white in color. Heat oil, add mustard seeds. When it pops, add red chilies, Black Gram Dal, Bengal gram dal and asafoetida.Add curry leaves and finely chopped onions cook til onion turns colorless. Add the roasted vermicelli .Now add 2 cups water and leave it covered in low heat. Stir occasionally and cook until it becomes soft. Roast cashews in little ghee (melted Butter) and add it to the upma. Serve hot
If onions are not added, you may have to add 2 1/4 cups of water instead of 2 cups..U can also add other vegetables like in Broken Wheat upma recipe.
Ingredients :
Potato- 1/2 kg, Red chillies - 1, Green chillies- 4, Ginger - small piece, Mustard seeds- 1Tsp., Cumin seeds- 1 Tsp.,Lemon Juice
Preparation Method :
Boil potatoes with some salt added to it. Then peel them off and mash the potatoes to a paste. Heat the oil in a pan and add mustard seeds,cumin seeds,red chillies and when they start to pop up,add green chillies and finely chopped ginger pieces. Then add the mashed potatoes to it and cook until it gets brown. When it cools a bit, add 2 tsp. of lemon juice to it.
Note: Add saffron to the oil first, so that the potatoes don't stick to the pan.(not required if U r using non-stick pans)

Ingredients :
Rice rawa (cream of Rice) - 1 cup, water - 3 cups ,Oil-6tsp, Mustard Seeds- 1/2tsp, Black Gram Dal-1 tsp, Bengal Gram Dal-1 tsp, Asafoetida- a pinch, Red chillies- 3, Grated coconut - 6 tsp, Curry Leaves - a bunch, Ghee(melted butter)-2 tsp.
Preparation Method :
In a pan, heat 6 tsp of oil and add 1/2 tsp mustard seeds, 1 tsp Black Gram dal, 1 tsp bengal gram dal, 3 red chillies, a pinch of asafoetida. Then add 6 tsp grated coconut and fry lightly.Now add 3 cups water and when it comes to boil, add 1 cup of Cream of rice (rawa) and stir well until it becomes somewhat powdery and soft. Add a bunch of curry leaves. Add 2 tsp of ghee while serving.
Ingredients :
Beans 6-10 , carrot -1(preferably the smallest one in the lot) , onion (optional)- 1, green peas - 1/4 cup green chillies - 1, cream of Rice(Rawa), Mustard Seeds, Oil, Gram dal, Salt, Red chilli (pepper) powder.
Preparation Method :
Cut the vegetables into fine pieces. Take 1 cup of (cream of Rice) rawa and lightly roast without oil to make it crisp. Pour 3 teaspoons of oil in a fry pan and add 1/2 tsp mustard seeds.When it splatters, add 1 tsp urud dal, 1 teaspoon gram dal, 2 sprigs curry leaves and chopped green chilli and roast lightly. (If onions are not used you may add a pinch of asafoetida.) Add the onions and fry until they turn colorless. Now add the vegetables, salt and fry them until they turn soft Add the red chilli powder. Now add 3 cups of water and when it begins to boil add (cream of Rice) rawa and keep stirring till all the water is absorbed and it becomes thick (fully cooked).
Tip: I would use precut frozen vegetables instead of cutting fresh ones..
Also,Though this is the traditional way of Preparing can use your choice of vegetables (namely brocolli,Mushrooms etc. to name a few) in all the upma varieties given here .

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